Google Scholar Profile
Books and Special Issues
Borbáth, Endre, Swen Hutter, and Arndt Leininger (eds.). 2023. Under Pressure: Polarisation and Participation in Western Europe. Special Issue of West European Politics 46(4). LINK
Hutter, Swen and Manès Weisskircher (eds.). 2022. Civil Society, Social Movements, and the Polarisation of German Politics. Special Issue of German Politics. LINK
Bojar, Abel, Theresa Gessler, Swen Hutter, and Hanspeter Kriesi (eds.) 2021. Contentious Episodes in the Age of Austerity: Studying the Dynamics of Government-Challenger Interactions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. LINK
Hutter, Swen and Hanspeter Kriesi (eds.) 2019. European Party Politics in Times of Crisis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. LINK to Publisher PLUS Open Access Versions of Intro & Comparative Chapter
Conti, Nicolò, Swen Hutter, and Kyriaki Nanou (eds.). 2018. Party Competition and Political Representation in Crisis: A Comparative Perspective. Special Issue of Party Politics 24(1). LINK
Hutter, Swen, Edgar Grande, and Hanspeter Kriesi (eds.). 2016. Politicising Europe: Mass Politics and Integration. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. LINK
Hutter, Swen. 2014. Protesting Culture and Economics in Western Europe: New Cleavages in Left and Right Politics. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. LINK
Kriesi, Hanspeter, Edgar Grande, Martin Dolezal, Marc Helbling, Dominic Hoeglinger, Swen Hutter, and Bruno Wüest. 2012. Political Conflict in Western Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. LINK
Journal Articles
della Porta, Donatella, Sophia Hunger, Swen Hutter, and Anna Lavizzari. 2024. Expanding protest event analysis through videos. Mobilization. Forthcoming. Online Appendix
Neumann, Rico, Barbara Pfetsch, Swen Hutter, Simon Koschut, David Schieferdecker and Jule Specht. 2023. The rhetoric of solidarity: Nature and measurement of social cohesion in the self-representation of civil society organizations. Social Indicators Research 169(3): 863-882. LINK
Masch, Lena, Ronja Demel, David Schieferdecker, Hanna Schwander, Swen Hutter and Jule Specht. 2023. Shift in public opinion formations on defence, energy, and migration: The case of Russia's war against Ukraine. International Journal of Public Opinion Research 35(4). LINK
Hoeltmann, Gesine, Swen Hutter and Jule Specht. 2023. How social capital matters for receiving social support: On the complementary role of civil society in the Covid-19 pandemic, European Societies. Online First. LINK
Hunger, Sophia, Swen Hutter and Eylem Kanol. 2023. The mobilisation potential of anti-containment protests in Germany, West European Politics 46(4): 812-840. LINK
Borbáth, Endre, Swen Hutter and Arndt Leininger. 2023. Cleavage politics, polarisation and participation in Western Europe, West European Politics 46(4): 631-651. LINK
Weisskircher, Manès, Swen Hutter and Endre Borbáth. 2023. Protest and Electoral Breakthrough: Challenger Party-Movement Interactions in Germany, German Politics 32(3): 538-562. LINK
Jacobsen, Jannes, Schieferdecker, David, Gerstorf, Denis, Hutter, Swen and Jule Specht. 2023. Long-Term Dynamics of Voluntary Engagement: Differentiating Social Structural from Cohort and Period Effects, Voluntas 34(4): 861-871. LINK
Burciu, Roxana and Swen Hutter. 2022. More Stress, less Voice? The Gender Gap in Political Participation during the COVID-19 crisis, European Journal of Politics and Gender 6(1): 114-133. LINK
Hutter, Swen and Manès Weisskircher. 2022. New Contentious Politics: Civil Society, Social Movements, and the Polarisation of German Politics, German Politics. Online First. LINK
Borbáth, Endre, Sophia Hunger, Swen Hutter, and Ioana-Elena Oana. 2021. Civic and Political Engagement during the Multifaceted COVID‐19 Crisis, Swiss Political Science Review 27(2): 311-324. LINK
Hutter, Swen and Hanspeter Kriesi. 2021. Politicizing immigration in times of crisis, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 48(2): 341-365. LINK
van den Berg, Clara, Edgar Grande und Swen Hutter. 2020. Was wird aus dem harten Kern? Auswirkungen der Corona Krise auf das Engagement für Geflüchtete, Voluntaris 8(2): 226-242. LINK
Borbáth, Endre and Swen Hutter. 2020. Protesting Parties in Europe: A Comparative Analysis, Party Politics. 27(5): 896-908. LINK
Bremer, Björn, Swen Hutter, and Hanspeter Kriesi. 2020. Dynamics of protest and electoral politics in the Great Recession, European Journal of Political Research 59(4): 842-866. LINK
Schwarzbözl, Tobias, Mathias Fatke, and Swen Hutter. 2020. How party-issue linkages vary between election manifestos and media debates, West European Politics 43(4): 75-818. LINK
Kriesi, Hanspeter, Swen Hutter, and Abel Bojar. 2019. Contentious Episode Analysis, Mobilization: An International Quarterly 24(3), 251-273. LINK
Hutter, Swen and Hanspeter Kriesi. 2019. Politicizing Europe in times of crisis, Journal of European Public Policy 26(7): 996-1017. LINK
Hutter, Swen. 2019. Exploring the full conceptual potential of protest event analysis, Sociological Methodology 49(1) 58-63. LINK
Hutter, Swen and Endre Borbáth. 2019. Challenges from left and right: The long-term dynamics of protest and electoral politics in Western Europe, European Societies 43(4): 795-818. LINK
Hutter, Swen, Hanspeter Kriesi und Jasmine Lorenzini. 2019. Sozialen Bewegungen im Zusammenspiel mit politischen Parteien: Eine aktuelle Bestandsaufnahme, Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen 32(2): 163–177.
Nicolò, Conti, Swen Hutter, and Kyriaki Nanou. 2018. Party competition and political representation in crisis: An introductory note, Party Politics 24(1): 3-9. LINK
Hutter, Swen, Hanspeter Kriesi, and Guillem Vidal. 2018. Old versus New Politics: The Political Spaces in Southern Europe in Times of Crises, Party Politics 24(1): 10-22. LINK
Hutter, Swen and Rens Vliegenthart. 2018. Who responds to protest? Protest politics and party responsiveness in Western Europe, Party Politics 24(4): 358-369. LINK
Becker, Regina und Swen Hutter. 2017. Europäisierte Protestlandschaft: Ausmaß und Formen europäisierter Proteste mit deutscher Beteiligung von Maastricht bis zur Eurokrise, Leviathan 45. Jg., Sonderband 33/2017: 37-62. LINK
Braun, Daniela and Swen Hutter. 2016. Political trust, extra-representational participation, and the openness of political systems, International Political Science Review 37(2): 151-16. LINK
Braun, Daniela, Swen Hutter, and Alena Kerscher. 2016. What type of Europe? The salience of polity and policy issues in European Parliament Elections, European Union Politics 17(4): 570–592. LINK
Grande, Edgar and Swen Hutter. 2016. Beyond authority transfer: Explaining the politicization of Europe, West European Politics 39(1): 23-43. LINK
Vliegenthart, Rens, Stefaan Walgrave, Ruud Wouters, Swen Hutter, Will Jennings, Roy Gava, Anke Tresch, Frédéric Varone, Emiliano Grossman, Christian Breunig, Sylvain Brouard, and Laura Chaques-Bonafont. 2016. The Media as a Dual Mediator of the Political Agenda–Setting Effect of Protest. A Longitudinal Study in Six Western European Countries, Social Forces 95(2): 837-859. LINK
Hutter, Swen and Edgar Grande. 2014. Politicizing Europe in the national electoral arena: A comparative analysis of five West European countries, 1970–2010, JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 52(5): 1002-1018. (Best Paper Prize of JCMS) LINK
Hutter, Swen and Alena Kerscher. 2014. Politicizing Europe in Hard Times: Conflicts over Europe in France in a Long-term Perspective, 1974–2012, Journal of European Integration 36(3), 267-282. LINK
Hutter, Swen und Simon Teune. 2012. ‘Politik auf der Straße: Deutschlands Protestprofil im Wandel‘, Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 62(25-26), 9-17. LINK
Dolezal, Martin, Marc Helbling, and Swen Hutter. 2010. Debating Islam in Austria, Germany and Switzerland: Ethnic Citizenship, Church-State Relations and Right-Wing Populism, West European Politics 33 (2) 2010, 171-190. LINK
Hutter, Swen and Marco Giugni. 2009. Protest Politics in a Changing Political Context: Switzerland, 1975-2005, Swiss Political Science Review 15(3) 2009, 427-461. LINK
Dolezal, Martin, Marc Helbling und Swen Hutter. 2008. Zwischen Gipfelkreuz und Halbmond. Die Auseinandersetzung um den Islam in Österreich und der Schweiz, 1998-2007, Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 37(4) 2008, 401-417. LINK
Dolezal, Martin und Swen Hutter. 2007. Konsensdemokratie unter Druck? Politischer Protest in Österreich, 1975-2005, Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 36(3) 2007, 337-352. LINK
Book Chapter
Borbáth, Endre and Swen Hutter. 2022. Bridging Electoral and Nonelectoral Political Participation, in Marco Giugni and Maria Grasso (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Political Participation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 451-469. LINK
Kriesi, Hanspeter, Swen Hutter, Abel Bojar, Argyrios Altiparmakis, Theresa Gessler, Sophia Hunger, Katia Pilati, and Julia Schulte-Cloos. 2021. Introduction: A New Approach for Studying Political Contention – Contentious Episode Analysis, in Bojar, Abel, Theresa Gessler, Swen Hutter, and Hanspeter Kriesi (eds.). Contentious Episodes in the Age of Austerity: Studying the Dynamics of Government-Challenger Interaction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 3-23. LINK
Bojar, Abel, Swen Hutter, and Sophia Hunger. 2021. Selection and Coding Contentious Episodes, in Bojar, Abel, Theresa Gessler, Swen Hutter, and Hanspeter Kriesi (eds.). Contentious Episodes in the Age of Austerity: Studying the Dynamics of Government-Challenger Interaction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 24-43. LINK
Gessler, Theresa and Swen Hutter. 2021. Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Mapping Contentiousness, in Bojar, Abel, Theresa Gessler, Swen Hutter, and Hanspeter Kriesi (eds.). Contentious Episodes in the Age of Austerity: Studying the Dynamics of Government-Challenger Interaction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 67-90. LINK
Gessler, Theresa and Swen Hutter. 2021. Actors Configurations and Coalitions in Contentious Episodes, in Bojar, Abel, Theresa Gessler, Swen Hutter, and Hanspeter Kriesi (eds.). Contentious Episodes in the Age of Austerity: Studying the Dynamics of Government-Challenger Interaction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 91-109. LINK
Borbáth, Endre and Swen Hutter (2021). Politische Parteien als Protestakteure, in Jenni Brichzin und Jasmin Siri (eds.) Soziologie der Parteien: Neue Zugänge zu einer alten Organisationsform des Politischen. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 101-126. LINK
Hutter, Swen and Ines Schäfer. 2021. Cleavage Politics and European Integration, in Brack, Nathalie and Seda Gürkan (eds.). Theorising the Crises of the European Union. London: Routledge, 63-80. LINK
Bremer, Björn, Swen Hutter, and Hanspeter Kriesi. 2020. Electoral Punishment and Protest Politics in Times of Crisis, in Kriesi, Hanspeter, Jasmine Lorenzini, Bruno Wüest, and Silja Häusermann (eds.). Contention in Times of Crisis: Recession and Political Protest in Thirty European Countries. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 227-250. LINK
Borbáth, Endre and Swen Hutter. 2020. Are Political Parties Recapturing the Streets of Europe, in Kriesi, Hanspeter, Jasmine Lorenzini, Bruno Wüest, and Silja Häusermann (eds.). Contention in Times of Crisis: Recession and Political Protest in Thirty European Countries. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 251-272. LINK
Hutter, Swen and Ines Schäfer. 2020. Politischer Protest im wiedervereinigten Deutschland, in Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (ed.). Dossier: Lange Weg der Deutschen Einheit. bpb. LINK
Kriesi, Hanspeter and Swen Hutter. 2019. Crises and the Transformation of the National Political Space in Europe, in Hutter, Swen and Hanspeter Kriesi (eds.). European Party Politics in Times of Crisis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 3-32. LINK
Kriesi, Hanspeter and Swen Hutter. 2019. Economic and Political Crises: The Context of Critical Elections, in Hutter, Swen and Hanspeter Kriesi (eds.). European Party Politics in Times of Crisis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 33-52. LINK
Hutter, Swen and Theresa Gessler. 2019. The Media Content Analysis and Cross-Validation, in Hutter, Swen and Hanspeter Kriesi (eds.). European Party Politics in Times of Crisis Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 53-72. LINK
Hutter, Swen and Giorgio Malet. 2019. Ireland – Limited Restructuration in the Poster Child of Austerity, in Hutter, Swen and Hanspeter Kriesi (eds.). European Party Politics in Times of Crisis Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 302-326. LINK
Hutter, Swen, Argyrios Altiparmakis, and Guillem Vidal. 2019. Diverging Europe: The Political Consequences of the Crises in a Comparative Perspective, in Hutter, Swen and Hanspeter Kriesi (eds.). European Party Politics in Times of Crisis Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 329-354. LINK
Hutter, Swen, Hanspeter Kriesi and Jasmine Lorenzini. 2019. Social Movements in Interaction with Political Parties, in: Snow, David A., Sarah A. Soule, Hanspeter Kriesi, and Holly McCammon (eds.). The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Social Movements. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 322-327. LINK
Saunders, Clare, Bert Klandermans, Stephan Price, Anastasia Garyfallou, and Swen Hutter. 2019. When citizens talk about politics: towards an analytical framework, in Clare Saunders and Bert Klandermans (eds.). When Citizens Talk About Politics, Routledge, 1-19. LINK
Weisskircher, Manès and Swen Hutter. 2019: Idle Democrats? Talking about Politics in Germany, in Clare Saunders and Bert Klandermans (eds.). When Citizens Talk About Politics, Routledge, 77-95. LINK
Hutter, Swen and Manès Weisskircher. 2019. Convinced Direct Democrats under Strain: Talking about Politics in Switzerland, in Clare Saunders and Bert Klandermans (eds.). When Citizens Talk About Politics, Routledge, 96-114. LINK
Hutter, Swen. 2019. Quantitative Inhaltsanalyse, in: Wagemann Christian, Achim Goerres, and Markus Siewert M. (eds.). Handbuch Methoden der Politikwissenschaft. Springer Reference Sozialwissenschaften. Springer VS, Wiesbaden. LINK
Hutter, Swen. 2019. Integration versus Abgrenzung: Die Schweizerische Volkspartei und die Politisierung der Einwanderungs- und Europapolitik, In: Brinkmann, Heinz Ulrich and Isabelle-Christine Panreck (eds.). Rechtspopulismus in Einwanderungsgesellschaften. Springer VS, Wiesbaden. LINK
Braun, Daniela, Swen Hutter und Alena Kerscher. 2018. ‚Anzeichen einer “differenzierten” Politisierung? Die Salienz europäischer Policies im Europawahlkampf’, in: Anders, Lisa, Henrik Scheller und Thomas Tuntschew (Hrsg.). Parteien und die Politisierung der Europäischen Union. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 163-191. LINK
Kriesi, Hanspeter, Swen Hutter und Jasmine Lorenzini. 2018. ‘Die Restrukturierung des westeuropäischen Parteienwettbewerbs in der Grossen Rezession’, in: Anders, Lisa, Henrik Scheller und Thomas Tuntschew (Hrsg.). Parteien und die Politisierung der Europäischen Union. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 39-72. LINK
Hutter, Swen and Jasmine Lorenzini. 2017. ‘Political Participation’, in: Moghaddam, Fathali M. (ed.). The SAGE Encyclopedia of Political Behavior: London: Sage. LINK
Thurner, Paul W., Sylvain Brouard, Martin Dolezal, Isabelle Guinaudeau, Swen Hutter, and Wolfgang C. Müller. 2017. ‘The Conflict over Nuclear Energy: Public Opinion, Protest Movements, and Green Parties in Comparative Perspective’, in: Wolfgang C. Müller and Paul W. Thurner (eds.). Politics of Nuclear Energy in Western Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 65-97. LINK
Dolezal, Martin, Edgar Grande, and Swen Hutter. 2016. ‘Exploring politicisation: design and methods’, in: Swen Hutter, Edgar Grande, and Hanspeter Kriesi (eds.). Politicising Europe: Mass Politics and Integration Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 32-60. LINK
Dolezal, Martin, Swen Hutter, and Regina Becker. 2016. ‘Protesting European integration: politicisation from below?’, in: Swen Hutter, Edgar Grande, and Hanspeter Kriesi (eds.). Politicising Europe: Mass Politics and Integration Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 112-134. LINK
Grande, Edgar and Swen Hutter. 2016. ‘Introduction: European integration and the challenge of politicisation’, in: Swen Hutter, Edgar Grande, and Hanspeter Kriesi (eds.). Politicising Europe: Mass Politics and Integration Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 3-31. LINK
Grande, Edgar and Swen Hutter. 2016. ‘The politicisation of Europe in public debates on major integration steps’, in: Swen Hutter, Edgar Grande, and Hanspeter Kriesi (eds.). Politicising Europe: Mass Politics and Integration Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 63-89. LINK
Grande, Edgar and Swen Hutter. 2016. ‘Is the giant still asleep? The politicisation of Europe in the national electoral arena’, in: Swen Hutter, Edgar Grande, and Hanspeter Kriesi (eds.). Politicising Europe: Mass Politics and Integration Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 90-111. LINK
Grande, Edgar, Swen Hutter, Alena Kerscher, and Regina Becker. 2016. ‘Framing Europe: Are cultural-identitarian frames driving politicisation?’, in: Swen Hutter, Edgar Grande and Hanspeter Kriesi (eds.). Politicising Europe: Mass Politics and Integration Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 181-206. LINK
Hutter, Swen, Daniela Braun, and Alena Kerscher. 2016. ‘Constitutive issues as driving forces of politicisation?’, in: Swen Hutter, Edgar Grande and Hanspeter Kriesi (eds.). Politicising Europe: Mass Politics and Integration Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 137-155. LINK
Hutter, Swen. 2016. ‘Measuring politicisation, benchmarks and data’, in: Swen Hutter, Edgar Grande and Hanspeter Kriesi (eds.). Politicising Europe: Mass Politics and Integration Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 301-313. LINK
Lorenzini, Jasmine, Swen Hutter, and Hanspeter Kriesi. 2016. ‘The Restructuring of the Western European Party Space in the Crisis. A Comparative Study of Austria, France and Germany’, in: Iglesias-Rodríguez, Pablo, Anna Triandafyllidou, and Ruby Gropas (eds.). After the Financial Crisis. Shifting Legal, Economic, and Political Paradigms. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 269-302. LINK
Hutter, Swen. 2014. ‘Protest event analysis and its offspring’, in: Donatella della Porta (ed.). Methodological Practices in Social Movement Research. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 335-367. LINK
Hutter, Swen and Hanspeter Kriesi. 2013. ‘Movements of the left, movements of the right reconsidered’, in: Jacquelien van Stekelenburg, Conny M. Roggeband, and Bert Klandermans (eds.). The Future of Social Movement Research. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 281-298. LINK
Hutter, Swen. 2013. ‘Political Parties in the Streets: The development and timing of party-sponsored protests in Western Europe’, in: Peter Esaiasson and Hane-Marte Narud (eds.). Between-Election Democracy: The Representative Relationship after Election Day. Colchester: ECPR Press, 127-150. LINK
Dolezal, Martin and Swen Hutter. 2012. ‘Participation and party choice. Comparing the demand side of the new cleavage across arenas’, in: Hanspeter Kriesi et al., Political conflict in Western Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 67-95. LINK
Dolezal, Martin, Swen Hutter, and Bruno Wüest. 2012. ‘Exploring the new cleavage across arenas and public debates: design and methods’, in: Hanspeter Kriesi et al., Political conflict in Western Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 36-63. LINK
Hutter, Swen. 2012. ‘Restructuring protest politics: the terrain of cultural winners’, in: Hanspeter Kriesi et al., Political conflict in Western Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 151-181. LINK
Hutter, Swen. 2012. ‘Congruence, counterweight or different logics? The relationship between electoral and protest politics’, in: Hanspeter Kriesi et al., Political conflict in Western Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 182-202. LINK
Hutter, Swen. 2011. ‘Globalization and the Transformation of National Protest Politics: An Appetizer’, in: Hara Kouki and Eduardo Romanos (eds.). Protest Beyond Borders: New Approaches to Social Mobilization in Europe since 1945. New York/Oxford: Berghahn, 188-199. LINK
Working and Policy Papers
Höltmann, Gesine, Swen Hutter, and Charlotte Rößler-Prokhorenko. 2022. Solidarität und Protest in der Zeitenwende. No. ZZ-2022-601. WZB Discussion Paper. LINK
Grande, Edgar, Swen Hutter, Sophia Hunger and Eylem Kanol. 2021. Alles Covidioten? Politische Potenziale des Corona-Protests in Deutschland. No. ZZ 2021-601. WZB Discussion Paper. LINK
Sabrina Zajak, Edgar Grande, Swen Hutter, Helen Schwenken, Elias Steinhilper, Inken Rommel, Moritz Sommer, Clara van den Berg. 2021. Die aktivierte Zivilgesellschaft. Ein Forschungsprogramm zur Analyse der nachhaltigen Wirkung von bürgerschaftlichem Engagement auf Sozialkapital und Gemeinwohl. Aktivzivil Working Paper Nr. 1. LINK
Hutter, Swen and Daniela Braun. 2013. ‘Trust in representative democracy and protest behaviour: a multilevel analysis of European democracies’, EUI Working Paper MWP 2013/14. LINK
Widmer, Thomas, Christian Hirschi und Swen Hutter. 2005. Qualitätsbeurteilung und Synthese von Studien zur Wirksamkeit der Osec. Zürcher Politik- & Evaluationsstudien, Nr. 2, Februar 2005. Zürich: IPZ. LINK
Widmer, Thomas und Swen Hutter. 2005. Einflussfaktoren auf das Ergebnis einer Ausschaffungshaft, in: Evaluation der Zwangsmassnahmen im Ausländerrecht. Bern: PVK. LINK
Book Reviews
Hutter, Swen. 2017. The Politics of Migration in Italy: Perspectives on Local Debates and Party Competition by Pietro Castelli Gattinara. 2016. New York: Routledge. Reviewed in Contemporary Italian Politics. LINK
Hutter, Swen and Jasmine Lorenzini. 2016. Handbook of Political Citizenship and Social Movements edited by Hein-Anton van der Heijden. 2016. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Reviewed in Mobilization. LINK